Divorce attorneys
Providing Tailored Legal
Solutions With A Personal Touch.


Posted By | May 4, 2020 | Articles

Marital assets include more than the family home

Property division may be one of the most difficult issues to tackle during divorce proceedings. People often become attached to certain property items or objects that they have accumulated during the marriage. Yet, all marital property is eligible for division between couples once the marriage is terminated.  In some cases, the couple can negotiate terms of property…

Posted By | April 30, 2020 | Articles

Protect your inheritance in a divorce

The property division portion of your divorce will involve assessing everything you own as a couple and splitting it in an amicable way. For the most part, you have to consider every asset you own. However, there are exceptions. You do get to have exclusive rights to property you owned prior to the marriage. You…

Posted By | April 22, 2020 | Articles

Should you establish paternity?

In New Jersey, how do fathers establish their rights? Married fathers have it a little easier. The law considers them the father of their wife’s child automatically. But what about unmarried fathers? These men often go through more hoops. The steps they must complete often discourage them. Today we will look at why it is…

Posted By | April 8, 2020 | Articles

What happens to the family home during a divorce?

Most couples going through a divorce own some joint property. A judge must divide this property before the divorce is final.  Unfortunately, that division often involves the family home. Divorcing couples often face common questions about what might come next.  Will the judge split the house 50/50?  Not necessarily. New Jersey courts distribute property fairly…

Posted By | March 27, 2020 | Articles

Why do homebuyers need title insurance?

Title insurance provides essential protections to New Jersey homeowners. Forbes explains how title insurance may shield homebuyers from claims affecting the legal ownership of their new home. While most common types of insurance safeguard against future events, title insurance is a special kind of coverage that protects against losses arising from historical acts or adverse…
